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The Black Crow (Part 1) | 黑鴉(上)
The Opposite Island | 對面的島

There was an island at the opposite of Town S, it was allegedly containing abundant rare earth mineral, which could overthrow a nation in quantitive wise. Hence since the establishment of the town, both government or grassroots were eagerly desired to possess that treasure, both groups have uncountably attempted to exploit that island, by sending out numerous ships from the port. However, they only received the airy emptiness embodied in the tide in return. Finally, there was a tiny boat drifting slowly from that island eight years ago, the boat passenger was a middle-aged man with an unconscious mind. Since his first contact with the Town S citizens, until his last breath on the ward, he kept uttering the same word: “A black crow, a gigantic black crow is residing on that island! Shall no stay longer on that island!”

Once the last word of that unconscious man was spread out, the allegation of the black crow was heavily discussed, without further validation being obtained. A word full of hysterical sense was convincing enough for people to believe the existence of the black crow. Soon enough, people did not wish to further debate on the exact correctness of its existence, the government did not disclose any plan to exploit the island. Everyone’s curiosity on that island was temporarily taken away by that monster with no name.

After that Town S encountered its first-ever natural catastrophic event since its establishment, not a single drop of rain received for three months, no reaping from the crops, any green plants were plucked to be forcefully settled as their daily meal, until the extent that the trees along the street also faced the same destiny. On the sixth month, no a single tree was seen on the street, instead, layers of floating dust substituted that vision. On the contrary, the opposite island still remained its green scene. Everybody pondered that it must be the guidance of the black crow that did the trick so that the island was exempted from the natural catastrophe. Thus the long dimmed curiosity was reignited again, only this time there was no open discussion, they all acted secretly. Quietly, they brought the tools onboard and departed. I was one of the crews, mainly in charge of laborious tasks during the route.

On the journey toward the island, I discovered the white coastline along the island was different from what we have seen from the town, assumed it was the white coast. It was skeletons accumulating on top each other, forming a solid coastline enveloping the island. As if they were the dejected one, who unable to possess but unwillingly forgo the treasure, recalcitrated till the end.






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